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The All-On-Four treatment can give your patient back the function, feel, and look of their natural teeth. With this treatment, you are able to replace all of your missing or failing teeth with modern materials that are implanted in to the jawbone to stimulate the roof of a pre-existing tooth. The permanent attachment looks like a natural tooth and eliminates the need for adhesives or creams.
Let B&R Dental Lab help you through the complete process with a dental technician to help with the conversion denture andchair-side time.
Taylor Blanchette
Implant Coordinator
All on 4, 5, 6 (teeth express, teeth in a day)
All On 4 Implants
Say goodbye to dentures
Do you have patients that lack bone volume to support a dental implant? What about a patient that complains about traditional dentures?
We can help with our All-On-4 Implants
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